Selected Name Brand Swiss Material List


Note: Price is for EACH, (Quantity) values are the multiples availiable per lot number, see item description

Please note-Items with bold numbers are available in a quantity up to the number specified behind the description.

Items used as described:

ID/New/Pics PriceDescription

Category 030 - Bulova genuine material

030.70 $ 4.00Bulova 9AS blue steel minspring, #53, Genuine in sealed factory package.
030.93 $ 1.00Bulova 8AE balance cock with hole jewel, nos. (Quantity 9)
030.181 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 7BUC. (Quantity 4)
030.191 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 5AH. (Quantity 4)
030.193 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 6CHAC, auto with bridle. (Quantity 4)
030.196 $ 5.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 6CBC. (Quantity 6)
030.222 $ 4.00Bulova crowns #42PW, white waterproof, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.229 $ 5.00Bulova crowns #342, white waterproof, 4 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.237 $ 2.00Bulova 10AK second hands #65, style PM4, 6 pkg., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
030.238 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 6CFC. (Quantity 4)
030.239 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 5A. (Quantity 2)
030.240 $ 8.00 Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 11AFC. (Quantity 7)
030.241 $ 8.00 Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 11AERC. (Quantity 5)
030.247 $ 8.00 Bulova 10BOAC balance staff, p&i, nos, generic Swiss. (Quantity 12)
030.250 $ 10.00Bulova 5AH stems, 12pc., Swiss generic, nos. (Quantity 7)
030.256 $ 4.00Bulova 10AK #6, fourth wheel and pinion, genuine, nos.
030.257 $ 4.00Bulova 10AK #6A, fourth wheel and pinion, for 21 jewel model, genuine, nos.
030.272 $ 3.00Bulova 10AK setting lever, part #25, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
030.273 $ 5.00Bulova 10AK set bridges (yoke), 3 pc., part #28, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 5)
030.297 $ 16.00Bulova 5AK staffs #56, 3 pc., genuine, p&i.
030.299 $ 18.00Genuine Bulova balance staff assortment, 6 different #56, p&i, nos. (Quantity 5)
030.302 $ 16.00Bulova 10CBAC balance staffs, 3 pc., p&i, nos, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.304 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for cal. 1000.11. (Quantity 3)
030.305 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for cal. 1161.60.
030.308 $ 8.00 Bulova 8AH balance staff, Swiss, p&i, nos. (Quantity 20)
030.309 $ 3.00Bulova 10AK yoke bridge (set bridge), part #28, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 7)
030.310 $ 7.00Bulova 6C pallet fork and arbor #57, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.311 $ 4.00Bulova 6C escape wheel, c/s pivots, #59D, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.312 $ 2.00Bulova 6AH #25, set lever, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.316 $ 5.00Bulova crowns #A79Y, OO ring, yellow signed waterproof, 2 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.329 $ 5.00Bulova crowns #Q523 screwdown type, yellow, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.330 $ 3.00Bulova crowns #85BW, steel, 2 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.334 $ 8.00Bulova 9AS #54, balance complete, flat hairspring, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.346 $ 7.00Bulova crowns #119Y, yellow Seiko style waterproof, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.351 $ 9.00Bulova 2470.10 coil #20.594, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.352 $ 9.00Bulova 2470.10 rotor (step motor) #20.580, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.355 $ 6.00Bulova Hairspring, Breguet, for pw Cal. 9AB, nos, genuine #61A. (Quantity 3)
030.357 $ 6.00 Bulova Hairspring, Breguet, for 10BA, nos, genuine #61A. (Quantity 3)
030.358 $ 6.00Bulova Hairspring, Breguet, for pw Cal. 10BC, nos, genuine #61A.
030.365 $ 5.00Bulova 6CB escape wheel #59A, s/c pivots, nos, genuine.
030.367 $ 4.00Bulova 5AH, 5AD and related models, set levers, 2 pc., Swiss, nos, p&i.
030.371 $ 3.00Bulova 2631.10 stems #51.020, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.372 $ 5.00Bulova Accutron Quartz model 2423.10 set of hands, #63-64 and 65c, hour, minute and sweep second hands, black fill second and black gilt luminous baton 22 hands, nos, p&i.
030.373 $ 4.00Bulova Accutron Quartz case back gaskets #G888 for popular 242 series, pkg of 3, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.383 $ 5.00Bulova 10BZAC dial reflector #B518, nos, p&i, gold color with minute track.
030.385 $ 3.00Bulova 6AM stems, 12 pc.,Swiss, nos.
030.391 $ 4.00Bulova 6C set bridge #28, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i, fits Felsa 81 and related also.
030.392 $ 2.00Bulova 6C set lever #26, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i, fits Felsa 81 and related also. (Quantity 2)
030.394 $ 3.00Bulova 10BM #75, friction jewels for lower ecape wheel or pallet, 3 pc, nos, p&i. (Quantity 10)
030.395 $ 16.00Bulova 5AB balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 4)
030.397 $ 3.00Bulova 5AH stems, 6 pc., nos, genuine Quickfit, p&i. (Quantity 4)
030.398 $ 4.00Bulova 5AH stems, 5 pc., nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.402 $ 5.00Bulova crowns, pink gold filled, part #251, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 5)
030.408 $ 16.00Bulova 5AH balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.409 $ 6.00Bulova 6CB/6CF balance complete, good used. (Quantity 2)
030.410 $ 6.00Bulova Quartz case back gaskets #G3063, popular spider web looking ones, pkg of 3, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.411 $ 8.00Bulova 5AF balance staff, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 4)
030.412 $ 3.00Bulova 3AC #25, set lever, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.414 $ 8.00Bulova 5AB balance staff, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.416 $ 16.00Bulova 6BPA balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.417 $ 16.00Bulova 6BK balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.418 $ 16.00Bulova 6CB balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.419 $ 16.00Bulova 7AM balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.420 $ 16.00Bulova 7BS balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.421 $ 16.00Bulova 10BC balance staffs #56, 3 pc., new in genuine packages, also fits 10BS, 10BCC and 10BT.
030.423 $ 8.00Bulova 5BD balance staff #56, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 4)
030.424 $ 12.00Bulova 6A balance staffs #56, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 4)
030.426 $ 12.00Bulova 6BMC balance staffs #56, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.429 $ 12.00Bulova 7BUC balance staffs #56, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.430 $ 12.00Bulova 10BUC balance staffs #56, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.431 $ 12.00Bulova 11AL balance staffs #56, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.433 $ 8.00Bulova 5AB #60, roller with jewel, nos, p&i, Genuine.
030.434 $ 8.00Bulova 6AH #60, roller with jewel, nos, p&i, Genuine.
030.436 $ 8.00Bulova 11AFB #60, roller with jewel, nos, p&i, Genuine.
030.437 $ 6.00Bulova 1041.10 (Caravelle 11DO) #16A stems, 3 pc, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.440 $ 4.00Bulova 5DN #59B escape wheel for 21 jewel models, genuine, nos.
030.445 $ 5.00Bulova 5AH set bridges, 12 pc., nos. (Quantity 2)
030.450 $ 8.00 Bulova 17AE #61A, Breguet hairspring complete, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 10)
030.451 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH fourth wheels, 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
030.452 $ 6.00Bulova crowns #151, yellow, dress, signed, 4 pc., nos, genuine, p&i in factory packages. (Quantity 2)
030.453 $ 2.00Bulova dust guards for dress crowns with recess, works on may ladies and gents ww, brass, nos, 10 pc. (Quantity 20)
030.454 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 11AN.
030.459 $ 8.00 Balance staff for Bulova 7AM, 7AMC and 10ASC as well as some others, nos, p&i, Swiss. (Quantity 20)
030.460 $ 8.00 Balance staff for Bulova 11AF as well as some others, nos, p&i, Swiss. (Quantity 30)
030.462 $ 16.00Balance staffs for Bulova 6AM and 8AE, 3 pc. pkg., nos, p&i, Swiss. (Quantity 2)
030.467 $ 8.00Bulova 5AH and 5AD stems, one dozen, Swiss, p&i, nos.
030.478 $ 10.00 Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 8EA. (Quantity 4)
030.479 $ 3.00Bulova 11ANACD date jumper springs #578, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.486 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH stem #16, 1 pc., new in genuine package.
030.492 $ 3.00Bulova 10BOAC #18 winding pinion, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.504 $ 3.00Bulova 11AERC clutch wheel #17, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.505 $ 3.00Bulova 11AERC winding pinion #18, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.506 $ 3.00Bulova 11AERC setting lever #25, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 6)
030.509 $ 3.00Bulova 11AERC set bridge/yoke #25, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 4)
030.517 $ 16.00Bulova 5AC balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine #56, p&i, nos, also fits some AS976 and AS1012 variations. (Quantity 2)
030.519 $ 2.00Bulova 5AB clutch wheel, part #17, genuine, nos, p&i, 1 piece. (Quantity 2)
030.521 $ 3.00Bulova 6CB escape wheel #59A, s/c, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.528 $ 3.00Bulova 11AOACD yoke bridge (set bridge), part #28, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
030.536 $ 2.00Bulova 11ALC sweep second pinion #92, ht. 5.55mm, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.537 $ 2.00Bulova 1000.10 set lever with axle #25/167, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.545 $ 12.00Bulova 4AF (and related) balance staffs #56, 2 pc., genuine, p&i.
030.546 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 6CF. (Quantity 4)
030.548 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, #53A, for 11ATRCD. (Quantity 2)
030.550 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, #53A, for 14EB.
030.552 $ 5.00 Bulova 11ANAC stems, one tap 8 and 2 tap 10, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 1)
030.557 $ 8.00 Swiss balance staff for Bulova 8AD, 8AH, 8BA, nos, p&i. (Quantity 6)
030.563 $ 15.00 Bulova 5AC #54, balance complete, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 1)
030.574 $ 3.00Swiss stems for Bulova 6AP, 3 pc., nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.575 $ 6.00Swiss set bridges for Bulova 6C, 5 pc., nos.
030.576 $ 4.00Swiss set bridges for Bulova 6C, 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 2)
030.579 $ 4.00Bulova 8AH balance staffs #56, 2 pc., also for 8AD and 8BA, genuine , new in packages. (Quantity 3)
030.581 $ 16.00Bulova 10BRC staffs #56, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.583 $ 8.00Bulova 4AE balance staff #56, genuine, nos, p&i, 1 pc.
030.599 $ 5.00Bulova pocket watch bow #481Y for 16AB, yellow, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.604 $ 6.00Bulova crowns #1044 yellow, small dustproof, popular, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.611 $ 3.00Bulova 10CRAC #28, set bridge, nos, p&i. (Quantity 5)
030.612 $ 2.00Bulova 10CRAC #31, click spring, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.613 $ 2.00Bulova 10CRAC #40, crown wheel screws, 3 pc., nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.615 $ 16.00 Bulova 10CRAC #56, balance staffs, 3 pc., nos, p&i. (Quantity 1)
030.616 $ 16.00 Bulova 10BOAC #56, balance staffs, 3 pc., nos, p&i. (Quantity 1)
030.617 $ 12.00Bulova 10CRAC #58, pallet arbors, 3 pc., nos, p&i.
030.619 $ 5.00Bulova 10CRAC #111D, upper shock setting and spring complete, nos, p&i.
030.620 $ 3.00Bulova 10AK winding pinions #18, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 7)
030.623 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring with bridle, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 6CMAC.
030.625 $ 4.00Bulova 10AKC set bridge, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.627 $ 12.00Bulova 5AB balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine #56, p&i, nos, also fits some AS976 and AS1012 variations.
030.628 $ 16.00Bulova 11AL #56, balance staffs, 3 pc., nos, p&i.
030.630 $ 4.00Bulova 11BSAB stems #16A, tap 8, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.634 $ 3.00Bulova 6CL-2 #25/167 set lever with axle, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.635 $ 3.00Bulova 5AH 3rd wheel part #5, straight pivots, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.643 $ 3.00Bulova crown #A89BW, OO ring, white signed waterproof, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.645 $ 4.00Bulova 10CBAC winding stems #16, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.648 $ 5.00Bulova 10BRC Oscillating Weight arbor #322, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.651 $ 2.00 Bulova 10CBAC set bridge #28, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.653 $ 5.00Bulova 10CBAC sweep second pinions ht. 5.55 and 6.20mm, 1 pc. each, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.657 $ 16.00Bulova 10BZ balance staffs #56, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.658 $ 6.00Bulova 10BRC flat hairspring #61, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.660 $ 6.00Bulova 10BZ flat hairspring #61, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.661 $ 6.00Bulova 10CBAC flat hairspring #61, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 4)
030.662 $ 15.00 Bulova 10BUC #54, balance complete, flat hairspring, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.668 $ 16.00Bulova 10BA balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.669 $ 16.00Bulova 10BE balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.670 $ 4.00Bulova 10BE winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.671 $ 4.00Bulova 10BA winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.675 $ 5.00Bulova 10BAC female winding stems #16C, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.679 $ 4.00Bulova 10BA center wheel #4, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.680 $ 4.00Bulova 10BC center wheel #4, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.681 $ 4.00Bulova 10BE center wheel #4, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.683 $ 4.00Bulova 10BL winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.684 $ 5.00Bulova 10BP winding stems #16, 3 pc., new in genuine genuine Bulova packages..
030.686 $ 5.00Bulova 10BMC female winding stems #16C, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.688 $ 16.00Bulova 10BL balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.689 $ 16.00Bulova 10BOAC balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.690 $ 6.00Bulova 10BC #61A, Breguet hairspring complete, genuine, new in sealed Bulova package. (Quantity 3)
030.691 $ 6.00Bulova 10BL #61A, Breguet hairspring complete, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.693 $ 6.00Bulova 3AE #61, Flat hairspring complete, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.694 $ 16.00Bulova 3AB balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.695 $ 16.00Bulova 3AC balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.696 $ 16.00Bulova 3AH balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.697 $ 16.00Bulova 4AL balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.698 $ 16.00Bulova 4AR balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.699 $ 16.00Bulova 4AU balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.700 $ 4.00Bulova 3AF winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.701 $ 4.00Bulova 4AE winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.702 $ 4.00Bulova 4AL winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.704 $ 15.00Bulova 3AE #54, balance complete, flat hairspring, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.705 $ 5.00Bulova 3AC #57, pallet fork and arbor, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.706 $ 5.00Bulova 3AH #57, pallet fork and arbor, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.707 $ 4.00Bulova 5AB winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.708 $ 16.00Bulova 5AE balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.709 $ 16.00Bulova 5AF balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.710 $ 16.00Bulova 5AN balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.711 $ 15.00Bulova 3AE #54, balance complete, flat hairspring, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.714 $ 3.00Bulova 6CL-2 #32D click combination, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.715 $ 3.00Bulova 1052.50 stems #16A/51.010, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.717 $ 16.00Bulova 6CF balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.718 $ 3.00Bulova 5AH #18 winding pinion, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.719 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 1061.50.
030.725 $ 5.00Bulova crowns, pink gold filled, part #220, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 4)
030.727 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 1001.11 and related. (Quantity 4)
030.731 $ 15.00Bulova 7AD #54, balance complete, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.732 $ 6.00Bulova 6A pallet fork and arbor #57, 2 pc.sold by each,, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.733 $ 4.00Bulova 6C stems#16A, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i, Fesa 21.
030.734 $ 4.00Bulova 1133.10 stems, also fits several ETA models, 3 pc., tap 9, Genuine, nos, p&
030.736 $ 15.00Bulova 5BA #54, balance complete, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.739 $ 15.00Bulova 1281.50 #54, balance complete, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.740 $ 15.00Bulova 6BMC #54, balance complete, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.743 $ 5.00Bulova 6BA flat hairspring #61, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.746 $ 5.00Bulova 10CRAC female winding stems #16C, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.749 $ 3.00Caravelle 11DO stems, 12 pc., Swiss made. (Quantity 6)
030.751 $ 12.00Bulova 8AE rollers with jewel, 2 pc., nos. (Quantity 5)
030.752 $ 4.00Bulova 9AS/10BRC automatic click #303, nos. (Quantity 5)
030.759 $ 8.00Balance complete for Bulova 5AB, nos, generic, breguet, p&i.
030.760 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 10EBD.
030.761 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for cal. 1281.50. (Quantity 2)
030.762 $ 3.00Bulova yellow crown #897186Y, genuine, nos, p&i, 6 sided.
030.764 $ 4.00Bulova 10AK stem #16A, stainless steel, uncut, nos, p&i, Genuine. (Quantity 7)
030.767 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 6BOC.
030.768 $ 6.00Bulova 11AFC flat hairspring #61, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.769 $ 6.00Bulova 6AH #61A, Breguet hairspring complete, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.770 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE winding stems #16, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.771 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE winding stems #16, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.774 $ 3.00Bulova 1000.10 click combo #32D, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.777 $ 4.00Bulova crown #895W, steel, 00 ring divers type, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.778 $ 5.00Bulova 11BSACB #344 Oscillating Weight, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.779 $ 5.00Bulova 10CSC Oscillating Weight #344, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.780 $ 16.00Bulova 10CSC balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 4)
030.781 $ 4.00Bulova 10CSC male stem and female post #16B-16C6, 1 each., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.782 $ 4.00Bulova 10CSC shock hole jewel and cap jewel, upper and lower, 1 each., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.783 $ 4.00Bulova 10CSC shocksprings #111F-112F, fits upper and lower, 2 pc.., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.784 $ 6.00Bulova 10CSC lower hinged shock resistor complete #82, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.786 $ 8.00Bulova 10BZ #60, roller with jewel, nos, p&i, Genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.787 $ 4.00Bulova 7EDA stems #16A, long/uncut, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.789 $ 8.00Bulova 10BA #57, pallet fork and arbor, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.790 $ 8.00Bulova 7BPP #57, pallet fork and arbor, nos, genuine, p&i.
030.791 $ 8.00Bulova 8AH #57, pallet fork and arbor, nos, genuine, p&i, 17j.
030.792 $ 8.00Bulova 8AH #57, pallet fork and arbor, nos, genuine, p&i, 21 jewels.
030.793 $ 4.00Bulova 8AH #59B, escape wheel, nos, genuine, p&i, 21 jewels.
030.794 $ 4.00Bulova 10BZAC #59, escape wheel, nos, genuine, p&i, straight pivots (Quantity 2)
030.798 $ 3.00Bulova 11ANACD date jumper springs, part #578, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.804 $ 8.00Bulova 13EB lot with one each stem and balance staff, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.816 $ 3.00Bulova 6BPA set bridge #28, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.817 $ 4.00Bulova 10CRAC escape wheel #59B, conical pivots, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.818 $ 8.00Bulova 10CRAC hairspring,#61, flat, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.819 $ 8.00Bulova 10CRAC pallet fork and arbor #57, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.824 $ 4.00Genuine Bulova 11ABC female stems #16CG, 11.20mm, 2 pkg., NOS, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.825 $ 4.00Bulova 11AF fourth wheel with sub seconds bit #6, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.830 $ 4.00Bulova 6C center wheel and pinion #4, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.831 $ 4.00Bulova 6C third wheel and pinion #5, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.833 $ 4.00Bulova 10CBAC winding stems #16A, long threads, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.837 $ 3.00Bulova 11ANAC #18 winding pinion, nos, p&i, genuine.
030.839 $ 3.00Bulova 10BC set lever #25, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.842 $ 5.00Bulova crowns #75BY, yellow, 2 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.850 $ 12.00Bulova 3AK balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.854 $ 4.00Bulova 5AH winding pinion and clutch wheel part #517 and 18, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.855 $ 16.00Bulova 11AF balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.856 $ 16.00Bulova 10BRC balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.857 $ 16.00Bulova 6C balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
030.859 $ 16.00Bulova 7AD balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.860 $ 16.00Bulova 10AU balance staffs #56, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.862 $ 5.00Bulova 6AH winding stems, long #16A, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.863 $ 4.00Bulova 6CL winding stems, long #16A, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.864 $ 4.00Bulova 7AM winding stems, long #16A, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.865 $ 4.00Bulova 7EDA winding stems, long #16A, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.866 $ 4.00Bulova 10BRC winding stems, long #16A, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.867 $ 4.00Bulova 11ANAC winding stems, long #16A, Tap 10, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.875 $ 4.00Bulova 11AB winding stems #16A long, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.876 $ 3.00Bulova 9AB winding stems #16A long, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.877 $ 5.00Bulova 8AE winding stems #16A, long, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
030.886 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 1351.10.
030.906 $ 8.00Bulova 7BEAC balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.907 $ 8.00Bulova 7BCAC balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.909 $ 8.00Bulova crown #102C-90Y, yellow crown for hunting case pocket watch, push button style, approx 16s, classic style, tap 8, new, old stock.
030.911 $ 9.00Bulova crowns #A79W, OO ring, white signed waterproof, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
030.912 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova crowns #89BW, double 0 ring, 2 pieces, nos, p&i
030.913 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova crowns #89W, double 0 ring, 2 pieces, nos, p&i
030.915 $ 6.00Bulova crowns #3011, white signed dustproof, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.917 $ 15.00Bulova 1000.50 #54, balance complete, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.924 $ 4.00Two Bulova 10AE winding stems #16A, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.925 $ 4.00Bulova 12EBA male stem for movement side, part #16M, 7.95mm, one piece, Genuine in package. (Quantity 4)
030.930 $ 3.00Bulova 12EBA winding pinion #18, Genuine, nos, p&i, one piece.
030.938 $ 8.00Genuine Bulova 12EBA balance staff, new in sealed package. (Quantity 4)
030.939 $ 3.00Bulova 12EBA minute wheel #8, Genuine, nos, p&i, one piece.
030.945 $ 15.00Bulova 10CBAC balance complete with flat hairspring #54, flat hairspring type, new in Bulova package. (Quantity 2)
030.946 $ 3.00Bulova 10CBAC clutch wheel #17, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.947 $ 3.00Bulova 10CBAC set lever #25 Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.949 $ 3.00Bulova 17AH minute wheel bridge #9, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.950 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH setting lever #25, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
030.952 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH package of 5 dial screws #47, Genuine, nos, p&i.
030.955 $ 12.00Two Bulova 17P balance staffs #56, Genuine, nos, p&i.
030.956 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE barrel and cover, part #1, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.958 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE Hour wheel, part #7, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.959 $ 6.00Bulova 17AE Center wheel, part #4, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.961 $ 6.00Bulova 17AE Third wheel for 21 jewel model, part #5A, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.963 $ 6.00Bulova 17AE Fourth wheel for 21 jewel model, part #6A, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.964 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE Minute wheel, part #8, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.965 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE cannon pinion, part #11, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.967 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE winding stems #16, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.968 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE clutch wheel, part #17, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.969 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE winding pinion, part #18, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.970 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE clutch lever and spring, part #24 and 26, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.971 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE setting lever, part #25, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.972 $ 3.00Bulova 17AE setting wheel, part #29, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.973 $ 3.00Bulova 17AE setting wheel - large, part #30, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.974 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE Ratchet click and spring, part #32 and 31, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.976 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE top plate jewel, part #34, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.977 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE, 5 screws for dial, part #47, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.978 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE, 5 screws for setting lever, part #48, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.979 $ 4.00Bulova 17AE lower jewel plate, part #52, genuine, nos, p&i.
030.981 $ 5.00Bulova 17AE pallet arbor for 21 jewel #58A, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.982 $ 5.00Bulova 11BSACB stems, tap 8, 2 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
030.983 $ 3.00Bulova 11BSACB stem, 1 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
030.984 $ 4.00Bulova 11AC female stem #16C, 11.28mm long, movement side, 1 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
030.985 $ 16.00 Bulova 10AK balance staffs #56, 3 pc., new in genuine Bulova packages. (Quantity 2)
030.990 $ 8.00Bulova 4AK balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.992 $ 8.00 Bulova 4AX balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.993 $ 8.00Bulova 9AT balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.996 $ 8.00Bulova 13AF balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.997 $ 8.00Bulova 13EB balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 7)
030.998 $ 8.00Bulova 14EB balance staff #56, 1 pc., fits Valjoux 7733 and 7736 also, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 4)
030.999 $ 16.00Bulova 7AE balance staffs #56, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.1001 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 5AH, 5AR. (Quantity 2)
030.1003 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 1000.11.
030.1004 $ 4.00Bulova 8AE winding stems #401, long, 4 pc., nos (Quantity 2)
030.1005 $ 4.00Bulova 7AP winding stems #401, long, 4 pc., nos.
030.1009 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova Mainspring, NOS, p&i, white alloy, for 8AE. (Quantity 2)
030.1011 $ 8.00Bulova 11ANAC balance staff, genuine, new in package. (Quantity 3)
030.1018 $ 16.00Bulova 5AN balance staffs #56, 3 pc., new in package. (Quantity 2)
030.1021 $ 6.00Bulova 12EBA 3rd wheel complete #5, new in genuine package.
030.1023 $ 3.00Bulova 8EA stem #16A, one piece, long, Tap 10, new in genuine Bulova package. (Quantity 3)
030.1025 $ 3.00Bulova 11AFACD #94 C.S. Cannon pinionl, height 2.95mm, new in genuine package. (Quantity 3)
030.1026 $ 4.00Bulova 11AFACD #13 ratchet wheel with screw, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1027 $ 2.00Bulova 11AFACD #573 date roller spring, new in genuine package.
030.1028 $ 3.00Bulova 11AFACD #572 date roller, old style, new in genuine package.
030.1029 $ 4.00Bulova 11AFACD #92 sweep second pinion, Height 5.80mm, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1030 $ 4.00Bulova 11AFACD #92 sweep second pinion, Height 6.05 mm, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1032 $ 5.00Genuine Bulova 11AFAC Third wheel #309, new in package.
030.1033 $ 5.00Genuine Bulova 11AFACD sweep second Center wheel #3, new in package.
030.1035 $ 4.00Genuine Bulova 11AFACD #571 date indicator guard, new in sealed package.
030.1037 $ 12.00Bulova 11AF balance staffs #56, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.1039 $ 4.00Bulova 2500 winding stems #51.020, long, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.1040 $ 4.00Bulova 2783-10 winding stems #51.020, long, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.1042 $ 5.00Bulova 11ANAC fourth wheel, ht.4.87, genuine, new in package.
030.1043 $ 4.00Bulova 1453.10 stem #16A, 51.010, new in genuine Bulova package. (Quantity 3)
030.1045 $ 4.00Bulova 6CN #28 set bridge, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1051 $ 5.00Bulova 10BM setting lever #25, also fits10BMC and 10BMCD, new in genuine package.
030.1052 $ 2.00Bulova 1052.50 stem #16A/51.010, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
030.1054 $ 8.00Bulova 10AK balance staff, 1 pc., Swiss, nos.
030.1056 $ 3.00Bulova 17AE winding stem #16, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 8)
030.1057 $ 5.00Bulova 17AH Third wheel, part #5, new & genuine in unopened pkg. (Quantity 2)
030.1058 $ 6.00Bulova 17AH Center wheel, part #4, new & genuine in unopened pkg.
030.1059 $ 8.00Bulova 17AH pallet fork complete #57, new in unopened genuine package.
030.1060 $ 10.00 Genuine Bulova 17AH mainspring #53A, white alloy in original sealed package. (Quantity 2)
030.1061 $ 4.00Genuine Bulova 17AH clutch wheel #17, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1062 $ 7.00Bulova 17AH Barrel and cover #1, new in genuine package.
030.1063 $ 3.00Bulova 17AH Barrel arbor #2, new in genuine package.
030.1064 $ 3.00Bulova 17AH Hour wheel #7, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1065 $ 3.00Bulova 17AH Hour wheel #7, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1066 $ 3.00Bulova 17AH Minute wheel #8, new in genuine package.
030.1067 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH Cannon Pinion #11, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1068 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH Cannon Pinion #11A, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1069 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH Ratchet Wheel #13, new in genuine package.
030.1070 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH Crown wheel and center #14 and 15, new in genuine package.
030.1071 $ 3.00Bulova 17AH Setting Wheel #29, new in genuine package.
030.1072 $ 6.00Bulova 17AH Roller Jewels part #71, 5 pc., Genuine unopened package.
030.1073 $ 12.00Bulova 10AK balance staffs #56, 2 pc., new in genuine Bulova packages.
030.1075 $ 5.00Bulova 1161.50 stems, 2 genuine packages of 1 each, new.
030.1076 $ 3.00Bulova 3AH stem #16A, new in genuine package.
030.1077 $ 5.00Bulova 11ANAC #16M male stem for movement side, 7.63mm, new in genuine package.
030.1080 $ 8.00Bulova 6CN balance staff #56, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1093 $ 5.00Bulova 11ANAC Hour wheel #7, height 1.10mm, genuine, new in package.
030.1094 $ 8.00 One Bulova 7AK balance staff, Genuine, also fits grates 10AK, 10BH, 10BM, 10BMC, 10BMCD, 7AA and 7AP, new in package. (Quantity 2)
030.1095 $ 4.00Bulova 17AH #30, Setting Wheel, Large, new in genuine package.
030.1097 $ 3.00Genuine Bulova crown #10APW, White, waterproof, signed, new in package. (Quantity 2)
030.1101 $ 5.00Bulova 10CRAC Oscillating Weight arbor #322, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
030.1102 $ 6.00Bulova 10CRACD #574 daste indicator drive wheel, new in genuine package.
030.1103 $ 10.00Genuine Bulova crowns #4352, 3 pc., yellow, water resistant, new in package.
030.1107 $ 4.00Bulova crown #82W, steel, Waterproof, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
030.1108 $ 4.00Bulova 10AE Hour wheel part #7B, height 1.90mm, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1109 $ 4.00Bulova 10AE Hour wheel part #7E, height 2.40mm, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
030.1142 $ 12.00Bulova 4AR balance staffs #56, 2 pc., new, genuine.
030.1144 $ 12.00Two Bulova 7BCAC balance staffs #56, genuine, new in packages.
030.1145 $ 12.00Two Genuine Bulova 7BS balance staffs #56, new in factory packages.
030.1146 $ 8.00Bulova 16AB Balance staff #56, 1 pc., genuine, new in factory package.
030.1147 $ 12.00Bulova 11BKACB balance staffs #56, 2 pc., new in factory packages.
030.1149 $ 8.00Bulova 11BSACB Balance Staff #56, 1 pc., Genuine in factory package.
030.1152 $ 8.00Bulova 7BPP balance staff #56, one oieces, New in genuine package. (Quantity 3)
030.1153 $ 8.00Bulova 10BZ balance staff #56, 1 pc., new in genuine Bulova package.
030.1154 $ 8.00Bulova 10BP winding stem #16K, 1 pc., new in genuine genuine Bulova package.. (Quantity 3)
030.1158 $ 6.00Bulova 7AK/10AK clutch wheel, new in factory package, fits other Bulova calibers also.
030.1173 $ 6.00Five Bulova vintage set bridges, fit grades 10AE, 10AR, 10AM, 10AN and 10AECS, new from old stock, slight spots possible. (Quantity 5)
030.1175 $ 4.00Bulova 10EBD stem, new in genuine factory package.
030.1179 $ 4.00Bulova 10AK winding stem #16, new in Genuine Bulova factory package. (Quantity 2)
030.1180 $ 7.00Bulova Crowns #85 BW, steel, Tap 8, genuine with factory logo, 2 new crowns in genuine package.
030.1181 $ 0.00Bulova 11AOACB auto weight #344 and bridge # 226/322, factory paired to match together.
030.1186 $ 6.00Bulova G743 Rubber case back gaskets, 3 pieces, new in factory package.
030.1187 $ 6.00Bulova 10 BZAC Case back gaskets #G759, 3 pieces, new in factory package.
030.1188 $ 6.00Bulova G38005 O ring case back gaskets, 3 pieces, new in factory package.
030.1190 $ 6.00Bulova Case back gaskets #G848, 3 pieces, new in factory package.
030.1193 $ 5.00Bulova #11AC, stem, long, new in genuine package.
ID/New/Pics PriceDescription

Category 031 - Gruen selected material

031.43 $ 10.00Gruen 275 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.48 $ 3.00Gruen 225 clutch wheel, genuine, p&i, nos.
031.57 $ 6.00Gruen 290 stems, nos, approx. 24 pc.
031.58 $ 7.00Gruen 215 genuine balance complete, nos, needs cleaning due to foam padding disintergration.
031.64 $ 3.00Gruen 290 and 295 unbreakable mainspring, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 4)
031.68 $ 3.00Gruen 215 set bridges (yokes), 6 pc., nos. (Quantity 3)
031.69 $ 3.00Gruen 215 set bridges (yokes), 5 pc., nos.
031.70 $ 3.00Gruen 153 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 2)
031.71 $ 3.00Gruen 155 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.72 $ 3.00 Gruen 157 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 2)
031.73 $ 3.00Gruen 161 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.74 $ 3.00Gruen 163 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.75 $ 3.00Gruen 169 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 3)
031.76 $ 3.00Gruen 210 set bridges (yokes), 5 pc., nos but one or two may have light rust. (Quantity 6)
031.77 $ 3.00Gruen 270 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.78 $ 3.00Gruen 275 and 285 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.79 $ 5.00Gruen 275 and 285 set bridges (yokes), 20 pc., nos with slight to some rust.
031.80 $ 3.00Gruen 280 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.82 $ 3.00Gruen 300 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 3)
031.83 $ 3.00Gruen 307 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos.
031.84 $ 3.00Gruen 307 set bridges (yokes), 6 pc., nos with slight rust.
031.85 $ 3.00Gruen 315 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 3)
031.86 $ 3.00Gruen 325 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 3)
031.87 $ 3.00Gruen 327 set bridges (yokes), 6 pc., nos with some slight rust. (Quantity 2)
031.89 $ 3.00Gruen 440 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 2)
031.90 $ 3.00Gruen 455 set bridges (yokes), 6 pc., nos with some slight rust. (Quantity 2)
031.91 $ 3.00Gruen 465 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 4)
031.92 $ 3.00Gruen 485 set bridges (yokes), 3 pc., nos. (Quantity 3)
031.94 $ 3.00Gruen 202 unbreakable mainspring, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.105 $ 3.00Gruen 480 #201 oscilallting weight axle, nos, genuine, p&i.
031.106 $ 4.00Gruen 211 set bridges, 6 pc., nos, p&i.
031.113 $ 12.00Gruen 215 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i, also fits gr. 216. (Quantity 3)
031.127 $ 10.00Gruen 215 mainspring, genuine, p&i, white alloy.
031.128 $ 10.00Gruen 225 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.137 $ 3.00Gruen 155 cluch wheel #407, nos, p&i, Genuine.
031.144 $ 16.00Gruen 215 and 216 balance staffs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 4)
031.146 $ 16.00Gruen 282 balance staffs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.172 $ 16.00Gruen 225 balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.176 $ 2.00Gruen 225 detent (set lever) #443, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.179 $ 24.00Gruen 215 and 216 balance staffs, 6 pc. Swiss generic, nos, p&i.
031.185 $ 3.00Gruen 430, 435, 440 click, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.186 $ 3.00Gruen 430, 435, 440 minute wheel bridge, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 5)
031.189 $ 6.00Gruen 430, 435, 440 stud screws, 9 pc., genuine, nos, p&i
031.195 $ 10.00Gruen 362 white alloy mainspring, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 6)
031.201 $ 4.00Gruen stems for cal. 833 and Rolex 300, 310 and 350, Bestfit #200/421, 2 different taps possible, 2 pc., nos.
031.204 $ 3.00Gruen 210 and 211unbreakable mainspring, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.211 $ 2.00Gruen 215 stems, 10 pc.,Swiss, nos.
031.213 $ 5.00Gruen 210 stems, 24 pc.,Swiss, nos, also fits 211, 212, 270, 271.
031.214 $ 8.00 Gruen 216 balance staff, Swiss generic, nos, p&i. (Quantity 10)
031.217 $ 10.00Gruen 265 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.220 $ 3.00Gruen 210 stems,12 pc.,Swiss, nos, also fits 211, 212, 270, 271.
031.224 $ 4.00Gruen 700 clutch wheel, nos, p&i, one piece. (Quantity 6)
031.225 $ 4.00Gruen 153 clutch wheel, nos, p&i, one piece. (Quantity 10)
031.226 $ 6.00Gruen 153 clutch wheels, nos, six pieces. (Quantity 3)
031.229 $ 4.00Stems for Gruen 275, 285 and 295, 5 pc., nos.
031.230 $ 4.00Gruen 700SS mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.234 $ 8.00Balance staffs for Gruen 210, 12 pc. pkg., nos, p&i, Swiss. (Quantity 6)
031.237 $ 4.00Gruen 275 stems, 3 pkg., nos, p&i, Genuine.
031.242 $ 3.00Gruen 365SS unbreakable mainspring, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.243 $ 5.00Gruen 225 genuine balance complete, p&i, nos but needs to be cleaned before use since some of the origianl packing foam is stuck to the wheel.
031.248 $ 7.00Gruen 225 balance complete, fits regular as well as incabloc, nos, p&i, Swiss.
031.253 $ 3.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 minute wheel, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.259 $ 10.00Balance complete for Gruen 216, nos, p&i.
031.264 $ 12.00Gruen 280 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.267 $ 15.00Gruen 211 balance complete, Beguet hs, Swiss, nos, p&i.
031.268 $ 15.00Gruen 215 balance complete, flat hs, Swiss, nos, p&i.
031.279 $ 3.00Gruen 210 set bridges, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.286 $ 16.00Gruen 106-107 balance staffs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.288 $ 16.00Gruen 120 balance staffs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.289 $ 16.00Gruen 155 balance staffs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.291 $ 4.00Gruen 100 stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.293 $ 4.00Gruen 120 old model stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.294 $ 4.00Gruen 120 new model stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.295 $ 4.00Gruen 155 stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.296 $ 4.00Gruen 155 stems, oversize hub, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.298 $ 4.00Gruen 169, 181, 183 stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.302 $ 16.00Gruen 315 balance staffs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.306 $ 3.00Gruen 835 set bridge, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.308 $ 8.00 Swiss balance staff for Gruen 290, 291, 275, 285 and 295, nos, p&i. (Quantity 20)
031.309 $ 16.00Gruen 510 balance staffs, 3 pc., nos, p&i, Swiss made generic package is sealed.
031.310 $ 16.00Gruen 515 balance staffs, 3 pc., nos, p&i, Swiss made generic package is sealed. (Quantity 2)
031.311 $ 8.00 Gruen 280 balance staff, Swiss, nos. (Quantity 30)
031.312 $ 8.00 Gruen 300 and 531 balance staff, Swiss, nos. (Quantity 20)
031.314 $ 3.00Gruen 300 and 531 stems, 6 pc., Swiss, nos. (Quantity 3)
031.315 $ 8.00 Gruen 327 and 520 balance staffs, Swiss, nos. (Quantity 10)
031.321 $ 4.00Gruen 210, 211 lower escape wheel cap jewel.
031.322 $ 4.00Gruen C225 winding stems, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
031.324 $ 4.00Gruen 610 #18, 4th wheel and pinion, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.328 $ 3.00Gruen 400, 431, 435 and 440 upper escape wheel cap jewel in setting, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.329 $ 5.00Gruen 335R Incabloc balance jewels, setting and spring, complete lower unit, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.330 $ 5.00Gruen 460 and 470 Incabloc balance jewels, setting and spring, complete lower unit, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.331 $ 5.00Gruen 480SS Incabloc balance jewels, setting and spring, complete upper unit, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.336 $ 6.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 winding stems, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.337 $ 3.00Gruen 405-406-410-420 clutch levers, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.338 $ 3.00Gruen 405-406-410-420 setting lever, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.339 $ 3.00Gruen 415 setting lever, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.340 $ 3.00Gruen 415 winding pinion, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.341 $ 3.00Gruen 415-416 clutch pinion, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.343 $ 8.00Gruen 280 balance complete, nos, p&i, breget hs.
031.344 $ 18.0024 hour ring for Gruen jump model, very good used condition.
031.352 $ 4.00Gruen 430 set bridge, one pc., nos, p&i.
031.354 $ 4.00Gruen 440 crown wheel, genuine, nos, p&i, 1 pc.
031.357 $ 3.00Gruen 510SS female stem #404, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.359 $ 4.00Gruen V4 and fits V7 mainspring, Genuine, blue steel, nos.
031.360 $ 3.00Gruen 570 Oscillating Weight Axle, nos.
031.361 $ 12.00Gruen 710RSS balance staffs, 2 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.362 $ 3.00Gruen 710RSS setting lever (detent), 1 pc. genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.363 $ 8.00Gruen 710RSS roller complete, 1 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.365 $ 3.00Gruen 410 winding pinion, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.367 $ 5.00Gruen 362 Oscillating weight axel, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.368 $ 4.00Gruen 895, 897, 898 set bridge (intermediate), Genuine, nos, p&i.
031.371 $ 12.00Gruen 879 balance staffs, 2 pc., nos.
031.372 $ 3.00Gruen 510 winding pinion #410, nos, p&i, Genuine.
031.373 $ 3.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 winding stem, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
031.374 $ 10.00Gruen 210 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.375 $ 5.00Three Winding Stems for Gruen 405NM, 406NM, 410, 411, 420, 421, 426, 430, 431, 435, 440, Swiss made, nos. (Quantity 4)
031.376 $ 5.00Six Winding Stems for Gruen 460, Swiss made, nos. (Quantity 2)
031.378 $ 4.00Gruen 210-211 stems, 2 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
031.379 $ 12.00Gruen 153 balance staffs, 2 pc., Bestfit 100/370, new in package.
031.382 $ 5.00Gruen C510 winding stems, Genuine, 2 stems, nos, p&i.
031.384 $ 4.00Genuine Gruen 440 setting lever (detent), also fits grades 430,431,435 and 335, nos. (Quantity 2)
031.386 $ 5.00Gruen V1 mainspring #45, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.387 $ 4.00Gruen 430, 440 winding pinions 1 pc., nos, p&i.
031.389 $ 10.00Genuine Gruen 430 and 440 mainspring, white alloy, new in factory package.
031.391 $ 3.00Gruen 405 New model stem, new in Gruen package.
031.392 $ 10.00Gruen 380 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.393 $ 10.00Gruen 910SS mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.394 $ 10.00Gruen 480SS mainspring, white alloy, genuine, new in factory package. (Quantity 2)
031.395 $ 10.00Gruen 275 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.396 $ 8.00Gruen 415 balance staff, 1 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.397 $ 12.00Gruen 480 balance staffs, 2 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
031.398 $ 5.00Gruen 480 winding stems, 2 pc. genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
031.400 $ 6.00Gruen 440, 430, and other calibers winding stems No. 1, genuine, 2 stems in genuine package.
031.401 $ 4.00Gruen 440, 430, and other calibers winding stem No. 1, genuine, 1 stems in genuine package.
031.404 $ 3.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 winding stem, 1 pc., genuine, nos
031.405 $ 12.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.406 $ 7.00Gruen 325 winding stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.407 $ 7.00Gruen 311 winding stems, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.408 $ 12.00Gruen V1 1/2 and V 2 1/2 winding stems, 2 pieces, new, old stock, genuine.
031.409 $ 10.00Gruen 17 ligne grades 754, 756 and 758 winding stems, 2 pieces, new, old stock, genuine.
031.410 $ 16.00Gruen 455 balance staffs, 3 pc., new, old stock, also for grades 457, 459, 465, 467 and 469. (Quantity 2)
031.411 $ 16.00Gruen 400, 401 and 401C balance staffs, 3 pc., new, old stock. (Quantity 2)
031.415 $ 5.00Genuine Gruen balance staffs for grades 430, 431, 435, and 440, 0.85 rivet, 1 pc., new in factory package. (Quantity 6)
031.416 $ 8.00 Gruen balance staff for grades 275, 290 and 510, new in packages. (Quantity 12)
031.419 $ 5.00Gruen 430, 440 winding pinion #410, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
031.420 $ 8.00Gruen V1 1/2 balance staff, pocket watch, also fits V4 and possibly others, 1 staff in Bestfit package, 100/429.
031.421 $ 5.00Gruen 550SS winding stems #401, 2 factory packages with one stem each, new.
031.424 $ 8.00Gruen 879 balance staff, Genuine, new in Gruen package. (Quantity 2)
031.425 $ 18.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 balance staffs, 4 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
031.426 $ 10.00Three Gruen 400, 431, 435 and 440 upper balance cap jewels in setting, genuine, nos, p&i.
031.427 $ 12.00Genuine Gruen cal. V4 blue steel pocket watch hour and minute hands, genuine, new.
031.428 $ 8.00Gruen V1 1/2 balance staff, pocket watch, also fits V4 and possibly others, 1 staff in package. (Quantity 2)
031.429 $ 7.00Gruen 430, 435, 335 and 340 oversize stems, 3 pc., Bestfit Swiss.
031.443 $ 6.00Gruen 430, 431, 435, 440 winding stems, 4 stems, new. (Quantity 2)
031.446 $ 12.00Gruen gents autowind dial, near mint, 28mm o.d., feet at 25 and 54.
031.448 $ 12.00Two Gruen 405-410-420-425 balance staffs, new in genuine package.
031.449 $ 5.00Gruen 490SS escape wheel somplete, new in Genuine package.
ID/New/Pics PriceDescription

Category 032 - Longines and LeCoultre selected material

032.231 $ 8.00Longines 280 #404 male stems, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
032.240 $ 4.00Longines 320 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 6)
032.241 $ 5.00Longines 349.2 stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.243 $ 5.00Longines 410 stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.244 $ 8.00Longines 460 stems, 5 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.246 $ 16.00Longines cal. 14.16 balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.248 $ 16.00Longines cal. 520 balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.250 $ 3.00Longines 4LL set bridge, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.251 $ 3.00Longines 410 #410 winding pinion, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.253 $ 6.00Longines 520 center wheel and cannon pinion, p&i, genuine, nos.
032.266 $ 2.00LeCoultre 12A and 476 and 481 clickspring combo #30/31, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
032.283 $ 12.00Longines 27M balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
032.287 $ 3.00Longines cal. 19A set lever (detent), nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.288 $ 3.00Longines 4LL clutch wheel, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.289 $ 3.00Longines 4LLV winding pinion, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.292 $ 12.00Longines cal. 5LN balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
032.293 $ 12.00Longines cal. 320 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
032.297 $ 4.00Longines 14.16 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine, fits 5LN also. (Quantity 5)
032.319 $ 4.00Longines 11/88 escape wheel, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.332 $ 12.00Longines 13.50 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
032.340 $ 12.00Longines 13.15 staffs #723, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.348 $ 4.00Longines 410 #440 clutch lever springs, 2 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
032.352 $ 6.00LeCoultre 428 balance staff, new in genuine package.
032.355 $ 4.00LeCoultre 9OL stem and staff, one each, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.362 $ 10.00Longines 14.16 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 7)
032.364 $ 5.00LeCoultre 9OL balance staffs staff, one Bestfit and 2 genuine, nos, p&i.
032.369 $ 9.00Longines balance staffs, 3 different, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.370 $ 4.00Longines stems, 3 different, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.376 $ 5.00Longines 4LL stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.382 $ 5.00Longines 6652 #443 set lever with axle, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.383 $ 8.00Longines 27M balance staff, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.384 $ 8.00LeCoultre 9OL balance staff, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 6)
032.385 $ 12.00LeCoultre 845 balance staffs, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.387 $ 4.00Longines 320 set bridge #445, nos, genuine.
032.392 $ 5.00LeCoultre 9OL mainspring, white alloy, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.399 $ 4.00Longines 6972 male stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.404 $ 4.00Longines 505 set lever with axle, genuine, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.412 $ 4.00LeCoultre 840 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine
032.413 $ 3.00LeCoultre 840 clickspring combo #30/31, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.415 $ 7.00Longines 27M mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.418 $ 12.00Longines 4LL balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.421 $ 5.00Longines 14.16 stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.422 $ 5.00Longines 13.50 stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.427 $ 8.00LeCoultre 211 and 19RLEC balance staff, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 6)
032.434 $ 4.00Longines 13.50 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.435 $ 6.00Longines 320 stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.436 $ 12.00Longines cal. 5LN balance staffs #723, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.437 $ 3.00Longines 30L clicksprings #430, 2 pc., p&i, nos, genuine.
032.440 $ 12.00Longines cal. 14/16 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.444 $ 2.00Longines 450 stem, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.450 $ 2.00Longines 320 click springs #430, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine (Quantity 2)
032.453 $ 5.00Longines 410 #401 stems, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.454 $ 3.00Longines 410 #440 clutch lever springs, 3 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
032.465 $ 5.00LeCoultre 460, 90LN and related calibers balance staffs, 2 pc. regular and one piece shockproof, generic Swiss, nos, p&i.
032.467 $ 2.00Longines cal. 5LN crown wheel, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.468 $ 12.00Longines cal. 27.0 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.469 $ 4.00Longines 30L clicksprings #430, 3 pc., p&i, nos, genuine.
032.474 $ 4.00Longines cal. 428 set lever screws, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.475 $ 12.00Longines 510 balance staffs #728, 2 pc., genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.478 $ 4.00LeCoultre glass fancy crystal #1218, nos, oval.
032.482 $ 4.00Longines 320 third wheel, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.483 $ 3.00Longines 320 stems, one genuine and 2 Swiss made generics, p&i, nos.
032.489 $ 10.00LeCoultre 211M third wheel complete, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.490 $ 3.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related ratchet wheel, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 6)
032.491 $ 5.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related clutch wheel, genuine, p&i, nos.
032.492 $ 4.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related regulator, flat, genuine, p&i, nos (Quantity 3)
032.493 $ 5.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related winding pinion, genuine, p&i, nos (Quantity 3)
032.494 $ 4.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related pallet arbor, genuine, p&i, nos (Quantity 3)
032.496 $ 3.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and wire set springs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos
032.497 $ 2.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related clickspring, genuine, p&i, nos (Quantity 5)
032.498 $ 5.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related set lever (detent), genuine, p&i, nos
032.499 $ 5.00LeCoultre cal. 9OL, 460 and related set lever (detent) screws, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos (Quantity 2)
032.530 $ 5.00Longines L-961-2 stems #405.1, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.531 $ 8.00Longines 12TS balance staff, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.533 $ 4.00Longines 6652 #2649 case clamps, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.537 $ 5.00LeCoultre cal. 9ON set lever (detent), genuine, p&i, nos.
032.539 $ 10.00Longines 320 unbreakable mainspring, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.546 $ 16.00Longines 4LLV staffs, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.549 $ 16.00Longines 13.15 staffs #723, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.554 $ 5.00Longines cal. 23M setting lever, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.564 $ 12.00Longines cal. 410 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.565 $ 4.00Longines 410 setting bridge #26, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.567 $ 2.00Longines 410 upper balance Incabloc cap jewel, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.568 $ 2.00Longines 428 Incabloc cap jewel, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine, fits many other models as well.
032.571 $ 5.00Longines 23M, hub 120, stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.573 $ 12.00Longines cal. 23M balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.591 $ 5.00Longines 5L parts lot, 4 different nos parts, each lot has one set bridge, one balance staff and 2 other parts. (Quantity 4)
032.592 $ 5.00Longines 18.72 stems, pw, nos, 2 pc. (Quantity 2)
032.594 $ 4.00Longines 4LL stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.595 $ 5.00Longines 5LN stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.596 $ 12.00Longines 4LLV balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.597 $ 4.00Longines 14/16 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.598 $ 2.00Longines 10L upper balance hole jewel, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.608 $ 3.00Longines 27M stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i.
032.633 $ 3.00Longines cal. 5LN set bridges, nos, p&i, 2 pc.
032.636 $ 3.00Longines 13.15 set lever, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.638 $ 3.00Longines 4LL balance staff, 1 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
032.643 $ 7.00 LeCoultre 489, 12R and possibly other grades, gilt baton Tritium (luminous) hands, 20mm, nos, p&i, Genuine although packed in Wittnauer signed pkgs. Each lot includes 3 pr., hour and minute. (Quantity 18)
032.648 $ 4.00Longines 410 third wheel #220, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.650 $ 4.00Longines 8N roller table complete, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.666 $ 2.00Longines 9L lower balance cap jewel, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.667 $ 4.00Longines 9L breguet regulator with cap jewel, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.679 $ 3.00Longines 9L set lever, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 7)
032.683 $ 3.00Longines 9L clutch wheel, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 7)
032.700 $ 5.00Longines 17L and related center wheel complete, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.701 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related third wheels complete, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.703 $ 9.00Longines 17L and related escape wheels complete, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.707 $ 7.00Longines 17L and related setting levers (detents), new style, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.708 $ 3.00Longines 17L and related setting spring combination, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 6)
032.709 $ 5.00Longines 17L and related setting wheels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.710 $ 7.00Longines 17L and related hour wheels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.711 $ 7.00Longines 17L and related minute wheels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.713 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related lower cap jewels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.714 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related upper cap jewels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.715 $ 9.00Longines 17L and related winding pinions, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.716 $ 4.00Longines 17L and related winding pinion, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.717 $ 9.00Longines 17L and related clutch wheels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.718 $ 10.00Longines 17L and related crown wheels and crown wheel studs, 3 pc. each, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.719 $ 7.00Longines 17L and related ratchet wheels, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.720 $ 5.00Longines 17L and related click springs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.721 $ 2.00Longines 17L and related ratchet click, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.722 $ 3.00Longines 17L and related barrel arbor, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.723 $ 8.00Longines 17L and related winding stems, 2 pc., Swiss, nos, p&i.
032.727 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related click screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.728 $ 5.00Longines 17L and related click spring screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.729 $ 5.00Longines 17L and related clutch lever screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.730 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related crown wheel screws screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.731 $ 9.00Longines 17L and related detent screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.732 $ 9.00Longines 17L and related dial screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.733 $ 7.00Longines 17L and related hairspring stud screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.735 $ 7.00Longines 17L and related ratchet wheel screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.736 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related setting bridge screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.737 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related lower cap jewel screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.738 $ 6.00Longines 17L and related upper cap jewel screws, 12 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.739 $ 4.00Longines 14.17 winding stems, 2 pc. genuine, nos, p&i.
032.740 $ 8.00Longines 23Z balance staff, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.743 $ 10.00Longines 14.16 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 11)
032.744 $ 6.00Longines cal. 14.16 center wheel complete, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.745 $ 5.00Longines cal. 14.16 third wheel complete, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.751 $ 4.00LeCoultre 493 KIF shock springs #3702, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i (Quantity 2)
032.753 $ 3.00Longines 10.85M mainspring, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.758 $ 10.00Swiss white alloy mainspring for LeCoutre 490, nos, p&i.
032.761 $ 8.00Longines 17LU balance staff, one piece, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.762 $ 8.00 Longines 10L balance staff, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 1)
032.764 $ 3.00Longines 410 clicksprings #430, 2 pc., p&i, nos, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.765 $ 3.00Longines 22A rotary weight spring #408, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.766 $ 3.00Longines 280 click springs , 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.776 $ 3.00 Longines 12L balance staff, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 1)
032.779 $ 16.00Longines 410 Incabloc balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.780 $ 12.00Longines 22L balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.781 $ 12.00Longines 22N balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.782 $ 12.00Longines 13.15 balance staffs #723, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.784 $ 3.00Longines 280 clicksprings #430, 2 pc., p&i, nos, genuine.
032.787 $ 8.00Longines 18.79 roller table complete, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.791 $ 5.00Longines 17.95 third wheel complete, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.795 $ 7.00LeCoultre 812 winding stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.803 $ 8.00LeCoultre 818 and 819 set lever and screw, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.820 $ 3.00LeCoultre 9OL stem, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine, may fit 490 related calibers also. (Quantity 4)
032.824 $ 3.00Longines cal. 10L hour wheel, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.830 $ 4.00Longines 19AS sweep second friction springs #4BSS, 3 pc., p&i, nos, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.837 $ 3.00Longines 37.93 lower balance hole jewels #54, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.838 $ 3.00Longines 19.4 balance staff, one piece, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 3)
032.844 $ 2.00Longines 23Z ratchet click #30, p&i, nos, genuine. (Quantity 4)
032.846 $ 4.00Longines 27M stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.850 $ 3.00Longines 27M regulator, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.851 $ 2.00Longines cal. 27M bridge screws, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.853 $ 5.00 Longines 280 staffs, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
032.861 $ 4.00Longines cal. 9.47N set lever (detent), nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 4)
032.862 $ 2.00Longines cal. 9.47N set lever screws (detent), 2 pc.nos, p&i, genuine.
032.863 $ 3.00Longines cal. 9.47N set lever screws (detent), 3 pc.nos, p&i, genuine.
032.864 $ 3.00Longines cal. 9.47N crown wheel and crown wheel washer, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.865 $ 6.00Longines cal. 9.47N center wheel complete, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.869 $ 4.00Longines 37.9s mainspring, steel, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 4)
032.876 $ 5.00Longines 501 #2633, date trip spring, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.878 $ 5.00Longines 5601 Intermidiate wheel with pinion #203, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.883 $ 5.00Longines cal. 8N escape wheel, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.889 $ 8.00Longines 13.50 balance staff, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.891 $ 12.00Longines 5LN staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.895 $ 4.00Longines cal. 5LNS winding pinion, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.906 $ 5.00Longines 501 part #1667 jewel for auto, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.910 $ 16.00Longines 3L balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.911 $ 16.00Longines 8M balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.915 $ 6.00LeCoultre 824 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i.
032.918 $ 3.00Longines 460 set bridge, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.920 $ 16.00Longines 450 balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.921 $ 12.00Longines 17L balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
032.922 $ 4.00Longines 5LN set bridge, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.923 $ 4.00Longines 5LN stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.925 $ 4.00Longines 8L set bridge, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.933 $ 12.00Longines 27M balance staffs, 2 pc., Swiss, p&i, nos.
032.937 $ 6.00Longines 4LL stems, 12 pc., nos, p&i, Swiss generic.
032.940 $ 16.00Swiss balance staffs for Longines 340, 341, 350 and 351 models, 3 pc., nos, p&i.
032.943 $ 12.00Longines 960.2 step motor #4211, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.944 $ 5.00Longines 320 clutch wheel, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.947 $ 5.00Swiss stems for Longines 4LL and 4LLV, 11 pc., nos, p&i.
032.961 $ 3.00Longines cal. 4LL clutch wheel, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.962 $ 3.00Longines cal. 4LL winding pinion, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.963 $ 5.00Longines cal. 7.48 escape wheel, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.973 $ 25.00Mainsprings for 5L Longines, Swiss, white alloy, 3 pc., nos, p&i.
032.974 $ 9.00Hairspring complete for Longines 19.71N, Swiss made, nos, p&i.
032.981 $ 5.00Longines 320 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.984 $ 16.00Longines 10/85 balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.986 $ 8.00LeCoultre 9OLN balance staff, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.988 $ 12.00Longines cal. 14.16 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.1002 $ 5.00LeCoultre 460 set bridge, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1015 $ 8.00LeCoultre 9OLN balance staff, shockproof, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 3)
032.1016 $ 8.00LeCoultre 211 and 19RLEC balance staff, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.1019 $ 8.00 LeCoultre 484/494 balance staff, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 1)
032.1022 $ 16.00LeCoultre 17 ligne balance staffs, 3 pc., calibers 445, 462 and 17OH, nos, p&i, Swiss made generic package is sealed.
032.1023 $ 8.00Longines 340 balance staff, 1 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.1024 $ 12.00Longines 410 balance staffs, 2 pc., new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
032.1033 $ 16.00Longines 4LL balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.1036 $ 3.00Longines 23Z set lever screws, 2 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1038 $ 4.00Longines 23Z clutch lever springs, 2 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1043 $ 5.00Longines 12L center sweep pinion jewel set, Genuine, nos, p&i, 1 piece.
032.1044 $ 5.00Longines 8L lower cap jewels #18, Genuine, nos, p&i, 3 pieces.
032.1047 $ 5.00Longines 17L lower cap jewels #18, Genuine, nos, p&i, 3 pieces.
032.1050 $ 3.00Longines 23M lower balance hole jewel in setting #54, Genuine, nos, p&i, 1 piece. (Quantity 2)
032.1051 $ 3.00Longines 23M upper balance hole jewel #63, Genuine, nos, p&i, 1 piece. (Quantity 2)
032.1052 $ 3.00Longines 8LN lower center hole jewel in setting #64, Genuine, nos, p&i, 1 piece. (Quantity 2)
032.1055 $ 5.00Longines 960.2 stems #405, 2 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
032.1056 $ 7.00Longines 8L pallet complete, Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1060 $ 4.00Longines 17L mainspring, genuine, blue steel, nos, p&i.
032.1064 $ 3.00Longines 528 stem, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.1084 $ 8.00Longines 23Z balance staff, Incabloc, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
032.1085 $ 12.00Longines 320 #724 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos
032.1086 $ 12.00Longines 4LLV #723 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos
032.1091 $ 5.00Longines 320 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1100 $ 5.00LeCoultre 438 mainspring, blue steel, Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1105 $ 5.00Longines 23Z split stem, female, 1 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.1110 $ 7.00LeCoultre 460, 90LN and 490 calibers balance staffs, 2 pc, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1112 $ 10.00LeCoultre 427 mainspring, Tee End, white alloy, Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1114 $ 7.00Longines 340 stems #401, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.1117 $ 10.00Longines 370 mainspring, white alloy, nos, genuine, p&i.
032.1119 $ 5.00Longines cal. 9L winding pinion, nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1123 $ 7.00LeCoultre 918 winding stems, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1124 $ 4.00LeCoultre 918 winding stem, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1125 $ 11.00Longines genuine crowns, 5 pc, 4 are signed, 3 have part numbers, 4 yellow gold filled and one steel, mostly ladies, nos.
032.1128 $ 3.00Longines 22L mainspring, blue steel, nos, p&i..
032.1136 $ 4.00Longines 428 #443 set lever with push pin, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
032.1139 $ 6.00Longines 22A mainspring, genuine white alloy, nos, p&i.
032.1142 $ 6.00Longines 520 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1145 $ 2.00Longines 17L gilt second hand, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1146 $ 8.00Longines 200 #404 male stems, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
032.1148 $ 9.00One Longines Cal. 63 balance staff for Airplane clock, 5.40mm long, nos.
032.1150 $ 12.00Longines 19.4 new parts pack, includes one each of stem, staff, clutch wheel, winding pinion, hour wheel, minute wheel, set lever and screw.
032.1161 $ 4.00Longines 17.89M mainspring, genuine, blue steel, nos, p&i.
032.1167 $ 12.00LeCoutre 90LN balance complete, used, has broken balance staff.
032.1168 $ 12.00Longines 19.70 balance staffs, 2 pc., nos.
032.1171 $ 15.00LeCoultre backset winding/setting knob, yellow gold without screw, good used condition.
032.1172 $ 15.00LeCoultre backset winding/setting knob, white gold without screw, good used condition.
032.1175 $ 5.00Longines 5602 stems, 2 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1178 $ 6.00Longines cal. 10L escape wheel complete, nos, p&i, genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.1180 $ 5.00Longines cal. 10L New style center wheel, nos, p&i, genuine
032.1181 $ 6.00Longines 10L upper center wheel hole jewels, pkg of 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1182 $ 5.00Longines cal. 10L New style third wheel, nos, p&i, genuine
032.1183 $ 5.00Longines cal. 10L New style fouth wheel, nos, p&i, genuine
032.1184 $ 5.00Longines cal. 10L fourth wheel, nos, p&i, genuine
032.1185 $ 5.00Longines cal. 10L third wheel, nos, p&i, genuine
032.1186 $ 7.00Longines cal. 10L sweep wheels #3 (A) ss (sub wheel, pkg of 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1188 $ 5.00Longines 5LN #410 winding pinion, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1189 $ 7.00Longines 420 stems #401, Genuine 3 pc. package, nos, p&i.
032.1194 $ 4.00Longines 23Z #404 female stem, Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1196 $ 4.00Longines 370 click springs #430, 2 pieces, Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1198 $ 5.00Longines glass crystal, case #3007-528, gents dress caee, rectangular with curved seats, 26x21.6mm, new. (Quantity 3)
032.1199 $ 5.00Longines 460 pallet bridge #125, Genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1202 $ 10.00LeCoultre white #76M hands, 21mm, 1 pair hour/minute, Genuine, new in opened package. Hands are silver color, flash made them look dark in the picture.
032.1203 $ 10.00Longines 14/16 unbreakable mainpring, genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1205 $ 16.00 Longines 23Z balance staffs, 3 pc., Swiss made, new in package. (Quantity 2)
032.1206 $ 4.00LeCoultre 812 hour wheel, 1 pc., genuine open package.
032.1210 $ 12.00Longines 9LT balance staffs, 2 pc., new, old stock.
032.1211 $ 8.00Longines 22A/22L balance staff, Incabloc, genuine, p&i, nos.
032.1212 $ 8.00Longines 10L balance staff, 1 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
032.1215 $ 3.00Genuine Longines winding stem, one piece, new in package.
032.1216 $ 9.00Genuine Longines winding stems, three pieces, new in package.
032.1217 $ 3.00Longines 5L winding stem, 1 pc., new in genuine package.
032.1221 $ 5.00LeCoultre 12A and 478 stem, thick style, new in genuine package.
032.1222 $ 5.00LeCoultre 12AD and 481 stem, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
032.1223 $ 5.00 LeCoultre 12R and 489 stem, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
032.1225 $ 8.00LeCoultre 460 balance staff, new in genuine package. (Quantity 5)
032.1226 $ 8.00 LeCoultre 449 and 450 balance staff, new in genuine package. (Quantity 1)
032.1237 $ 5.00Longines 8V1 hands, 20mm black baton style, one pr., Genuine package, new.
032.1238 $ 7.00Longines 428 stems, 3 pc., new in genuine Longines package.
032.1240 $ 6.00Longines 410 (401 LG 15) stems, 3 pc., nos, p&i, genuine.
032.1241 $ 6.00Longines L633 male stem #404, new in genuine package.
032.1243 $ 4.00Longines 508 stem, 1 pc., new in factory package.
032.1244 $ 7.00Longines 22L stems #401, 2 stems, Genuine in factory package. (Quantity 2)
032.1245 $ 7.00Longines 528 stems #401, 2 stems, Genuine in factory package.
032.1248 $ 5.00Longines 17.89 winding pinion, new.
032.1250 $ 3.00Longines 22ACasing clamp, genuine, p&i, nos.
032.1272 $ 12.00Three Longines genuine signed waterproof crowns #13WPY, gold color with post, 4.04mm outer diameter, new.
032.1273 $ 12.00LeCoutre 460 balance staffs, 2 PC, Bestfit Swiss package, new.
032.1274 $ 5.00Longines 23Z #401 winding stem, one piece, Genuine. (Quantity 2)
032.1275 $ 8.00Longines 23M stems, 5 pieces, 2 different hub sizes, new, old stock.
032.1276 $ 3.00One Longines 22L stem #401, Genuine in factory package.
032.1284 $ 7.00 Longines 23Z stems, 3 pc., Swiss made, new. (Quantity 2)
032.1291 $ 6.00Omega 540 stems, genuine, 2 stems in Bestfit package #200/1297, new.
032.1299 $ 5.00One Longines 9L stem , factory # 32, Genuine in factory package.
ID/New/Pics PriceDescription

Category 033 - Omega selected material

033.126 $ 7.00Omega 650 stems #6.50, 1pc., genuine,, nos, p&i.
033.473 $ 6.00Omega 480 stems, 2 pc., new in Genuine package. (Quantity 5)
033.489 $ 12.00Omega 244 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
033.516 $ 8.00Omega 640 balance staff, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
033.533 $ 3.00Omega 240 winding pinion #1108, Bestfit 410/541, p&i, nos.
033.564 $ 4.00Omega 483 part #1312, pallet arbor, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.593 $ 8.00Omega 210 balance staff, 1 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
033.607 $ 16.00Omega 210 balance staffs, 3 pc., genuine, also R11.5, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.623 $ 5.00G-S Crystal #PA467-35 for Omega Deville, high, for calendar models, 31.37mm, no reflector ring (buyer supplies), p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
033.642 $ 5.00Omega 480 clutch wheel #1107, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
033.648 $ 12.00Omega 244 and 13.5 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.679 $ 3.00Omega 485 cannon pinion #1219, ht. 2.15, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.698 $ 8.00Omega 660 balance staff, 1 pc. pkg., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
033.730 $ 12.00Omega R13.5 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos (Quantity 3)
033.750 $ 5.00Omega 360 winding pinion #1108, nos, p&i, genuine.
033.760 $ 8.00Omega 361 Incabloc balance staff, 1 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
033.761 $ 3.00Omega 240 set lever #1109, genuine, nos, p&i, slight surface rust.
033.808 $ 4.00 Mainspring for Omega 330, 2x11.5x10 3/4, white alloy, automatic with bridle, nos, one piece, Swiss made generic. (Quantity 6)
033.809 $ 4.00Mainsprings for Omega 330, 2x11.5x10 3/4, white alloy, automatic with bridle, nos, Swiss made generic. $4 . each. (Quantity 9)
033.810 $ 4.00Omega 1387 #9033 battery clamp, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.815 $ 3.00Omega 480 hour wheel #1231, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.816 $ 3.00Omega 440 upper balance cap jewel, nos, p&i, genuine.
033.826 $ 9.00Omega 1450 stems, 5 pc., Genuine, nos, p&i.
033.832 $ 16.00Omega 13.5 balance staffs, pkg of 3 pc, Bestfit #100/586. nos, p&i.
033.835 $ 12.00Omega 13.5 balance staffs, pkg of 2 pc., Bestfit #100/586. nos, p&i.
033.836 $ 4.00G-S Crystal #PA462-24A for Omega Deville, 30.35mm, no reflector ring (buyer supplies), p&i, nos.
033.837 $ 6.00Favorite Swiss balance staffs for Omega 16 RAC, 3 pc., nos, p&i.
033.853 $ 4.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M1931, nos with one very light scratch, genuine, p&i.
033.854 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M2544, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.856 $ 6.00Omega crystal, #5019, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.857 $ 7.00Omega crystal, #5103, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.860 $ 7.00Omega crystal, #5133, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.862 $ 7.00Omega crystal #PX5120, 20.42mm, yellow reflector ring, Deville type, Unicoc, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.868 $ 3.00Omega 1070 stem, 1 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
033.869 $ 8.00 Omega 1070 stems, 4 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 1)
033.879 $ 3.00Omega 210 pallet arbors, 2 pc., nos.
033.880 $ 5.00Omega 240 and R13.5 mainspring, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.882 $ 5.00Omega 240 and R13.5 stems, 3 pc., Bestfit 200/662, p&i, nos.
033.883 $ 8.00Omega 240 balance staff, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 3)
033.895 $ 5.00Omega 450 clutch wheel #1107, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.901 $ 8.00Omega 485 third wheel #1240, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
033.902 $ 10.00Omega 485 center wheel complete with cannon pinion #1224, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.916 $ 4.00Omega 625 cannon pinion #1218, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.917 $ 4.00Omega 625 cannon pinion #1219, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.918 $ 4.00Omega 625 cannon pinion #1224, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.936 $ 3.00Omega 1340 stem #9100, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i
033.937 $ 5.00Omega 1340 set lever with axle #9102, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i
033.939 $ 5.00Omega 1100 minute wheel #1246, 1 pc., nos, genuine, p&i
033.940 $ 8.00Omega 1106/540 stems, 3 pc., nos, genuine, packaged with identification.
033.942 $ 6.00Omega 1450 stems #9100, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i
033.952 $ 4.00Omega 210 pallet arbors, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
033.954 $ 5.00Omega 240 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.973 $ 6.00Omega crystal #PX5018, 20.1mm o.d., 3mm high, yellow step ring, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.975 $ 5.00Omega 1008 ladies yellow stick hands with black paint, 12mm, Bestfit HAN/2627, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.978 $ 3.00 Omega 260 clutch wheel #1107, genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 7)
033.979 $ 5.00Omega 1310 clutch wheel #9031, genuine, nos, p&i
033.985 $ 4.00Omega 570 balance staffs, Bestfit 100/2073, 2 pc., nos, p&i.
033.986 $ 8.00Omega crystal, #5061, 22.6mm deville type with date window, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1010 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M1650, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1011 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M1651, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
033.1012 $ 8.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M106, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1013 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M1807, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1014 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M1929, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1016 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M2263, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1017 $ 7.00Omega crystal, Bestfit #M2529, nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1020 $ 5.00Omega 1070 mainspring, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 4)
033.1026 $ 5.00Omega 240 set lever #1109, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1027 $ 5.00Omega 240 winding pinion #1108, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1028 $ 5.00Omega 244 clutch wheel #1107, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1033 $ 9.00Omega 1370 stems #9100, 5 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1042 $ 4.00Omega 11.5 stems, generic, 3 pc., nos, p&i.
033.1043 $ 5.00Omega 260 clutch wheel #1107, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1045 $ 16.00Omega 210 balance staffs, 3 pc., Bestfit 100/585, also R11.5, p&i, nos.
033.1048 $ 16.00Omega 2810 balance staffs, 3 pc., nos, p&i, Swiss made generic package is sealed. (Quantity 2)
033.1058 $ 9.00Omega #SN6109genuine glass, ladies, nos.
033.1066 $ 3.00Omega 12.6 mainspring, blue steel, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 7)
033.1071 $ 5.00Omega 14.8 mainspring #1208, genuine, steel, p&i, nos.
033.1082 $ 8.00Genuine Omega crystal, Bestfit #1427, gilt reflector ring, nm/nos, p&i.
033.1084 $ 4.00Omega 1375 set lever, Bestfit 443/1654, ETA 279.001, nos, p&i.
033.1088 $ 4.00Omega 450 click #1412, Genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1106 $ 9.00Omega gents fanncy plastic crystal with flange, genuine, nos, ref. 2184VP, case #162.0060.
033.1110 $ 4.00Omega 1070 minute wheel #1246, Genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1112 $ 18.00Omega 440 backset stem gear, nos, p&i, Genuine.
033.1113 $ 20.00Omega 440 #336 gold screw for backset crown, nos, p&i, Genuine.
033.1114 $ 5.00Omega 455 stems, 2 pc., Bestfit 200/1265, p&i, nos
033.1116 $ 6.00Omega 1070 stems, 3pc., genuine, also fits Tissot 2413, nos, p&i.
033.1124 $ 12.00Omega 450 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
033.1133 $ 12.00Omega 1000 male stems #1159, 3 pc., nos, genuine, p&i.
033.1139 $ 10.00Omega 300 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.1142 $ 10.00Omega R13.5 mainspring, white alloy, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.1155 $ 6.00Omega 650 stems, 2 pc., genuine, new in Omega package. (Quantity 2)
033.1156 $ 5.00Omega 1070 set bridge #1110, Genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1165 $ 5.00Omega 710 incablock spring, hole jewel in setting and cap jewel.
033.1166 $ 6.00Omega 550 cannon pinion, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1169 $ 5.00Omega 210 stems, 2 pc., genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1170 $ 8.00Omega 265 Incabloc balance staff, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.1177 $ 10.00Omega 26.512 mainspring, white alloy, Genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1181 $ 12.00Genuine Omega crown ref. SW144, yellow, signed with case post and female post, nos, 4mm o.d.
033.1187 $ 8.00Omega 13.5 balance staff, 1 pc., genuine. nos, p&i.
033.1188 $ 8.00Omega 302 balance staff, 1 pc., genuine. nos, p&i.
033.1190 $ 4.00Omega 440 clickspring #1105, 1 pc., nos, p&i, Genuine.
033.1192 $ 4.00Omega 550 part #3403, micro regulator screw, Genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1193 $ 4.00Omega 28.10 mainspring, blue steel, genuine, p&i, nos.
033.1199 $ 5.00Omega Sweep second hand #630W22, nickle color, genuine, nos, p&i, nos.
033.1201 $ 21.00Omega New stainless steel genuine signed buckle for your vintage Gents Dynamic strap.
033.1205 $ 8.00Omega steel waterproof crown with female post, genuine, signed, nos, 4.60mm o.d. by3.1mm high, 2.00mm opening, case #135.033.
033.1207 $ 6.00Omega bracelet pins #128ST9780, stainless steel7 pieces in pkg, genuine, nos, p&i.
033.1209 $ 6.00Omega 580 set bridge #1110, Genuine, nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
033.1216 $ 12.00Genuine Omega 440 balance staffs, Incabloc, 2 pieces, nos. (Quantity 2)
033.1217 $ 8.00Omega 590 balance staff, 1 pc. pkg., genuine, p&i, nos.
033.1218 $ 8.00Omega 570 balance staff, 1 piece pkg, Incabloc, genuine, p&i, nos. (Quantity 8)
033.1219 $ 4.00Genuine Omega 240 setting wheel #1113, new in factory package.
033.1220 $ 7.00Genuine Omega 480 set bridge #1110, new in factory package. (Quantity 2)
033.1222 $ 4.00Omega 1480 set lever with push pin, Bestfit 443/1393, also fits Hamilton 769, new.
033.1223 $ 8.00Omega 18 ligne pocket watch balance staff #62, 5.95mm height, single roller, new
033.1226 $ 5.00Genuine Omega 613 stem, new in package.
033.1228 $ 8.00Genuine Omega R17.8 balance staff, Incabloc, new in package.
033.1229 $ 5.00Omega 620 cannon pinion, looks new.
033.1230 $ 8.00Two stems for Omega 13 Ligne model 30 R. G., new condition.
033.1233 $ 12.00Omega 350 center wheel with cannon pinion #1224, near mint.
033.1246 $ 8.00Omega 730 #1106 stems, 2 pc., new in Genuine Omega package.
033.1252 $ 12.00Omega 450 balance staffs, 2 pc., genuine, p&i, nos.
033.1259 $ 18.00Omega 570 case clamps #1774C, 3 pieces, new in genuine package.
033.1263 $ 5.00Omega 484 pallet arbor #1312, Genuine in sealed factory package. (Quantity 2) (Quantity 2)
033.1265 $ 10.00Genuine Omega 240 third wheel #1240, new in factory package. (Quantity 2)
033.1267 $ 10.00Genuine Omega 480 third wheel #1240, new in factory package.
033.1268 $ 7.00Omega 502 cannon pinion #1219, genuine in sealed factory package. (Quantity 2)
033.1270 $ 5.00Omega 580 stem, one pice, Genuine, new.
033.1271 $ 5.00Omega 590 stem, one pice, Genuine, new. (Quantity 5)
033.1272 $ 14.00Omega 613 stems #1106, Genuine package with 4 stems.
033.1273 $ 6.00Omega 700 stem, one pice, Genuine, new.
033.1274 $ 5.00Omega 381 winding pinion, new.
033.1276 $ 7.00Omega 240 roller complete, looks new.
033.1277 $ 10.00Omega 1000RWS27 set of genuine hour and minute hands, white stick luminous, for grades 1000, 1010 and related. new in package.
033.1279 $ 20.00Omega chonograph push button unit #86006, looks new, steel.
033.1286 $ 3.00Omega 650 case clamp, one pieces, new in genuine package.
033.1287 $ 10.00Two Omega 1070 stems, new in genuine package.
033.1289 $ 6.00Omega 240 sweep seconds pinion, new. (Quantity 2)
033.1292 $ 9.00Omega 480 stems, 3 pc., new in Genuine package.
033.1303 $ 18.00Genuine Omega genuine crowns, one yellow, 5.50mm., one smaller stell 5mm., Both for $18.00
033.1307 $ 7.00Omega 1010 part #1503, lever, new in Genuine factory package.
033.1309 $ 7.00Omga 330 balance staff, Genuine, in package.
033.1313 $ 11.00Omega 1100 part #1346, Incabloc setting complete, new in Genuine package.
033.1314 $ 11.00Omega 1070 part #1110, set bridge, new in Genuine package.
033.1315 $ 5.00Omega 670 case clamp #1911, one piece, new in factory package.
033.1319 $ 6.00Omega part #6109 brass bushings , 2 Genuine packages with one bushing in each, new.
033.1324 $ 6.00Omega 630 cannon pinion #1219, Genuine in sealed factory package.
033.1325 $ 5.00Omega 470 part #1362, Genuine in sealed factory package.
033.1333 $ 12.00Omega 244 part #1316, pallet fork and arbor, new genuine Omega package.
033.1334 $ 5.00Omega 481 pallet arbor in Bestfit package. (Quantity 2)
033.1335 $ 6.00Omega 481 cannon pinion, Height 2.20 mm, genuine.
033.1336 $ 5.00Omega 510 balance staff, genuine new.
033.1337 $ 5.00Omega 480 stem #1106, new.
033.1339 $ 8.00Omega 381 balance staff, 12 ligne for Moon Calendar model, bestfit 931. (Quantity 11)
033.1340 $ 7.00Omega 300 stems, 2 of them, part #401/205, new in package, old stock, clean.
033.1341 $ 5.00Omega 330 genuine stem, new in genuine package. (Quantity 2)
033.1342 $ 9.00Omega 342 winding stems, new condition, 2 of them.
ID/New/Pics PriceDescription

Category 035 - Rolex selected material

035.374 $ 3.00Rolex 3035 cannon pinions, 3 pc., ht. 2.85 mm, nos. (Quantity 3)
035.381 $ 4.00Rolex gaskets, 2 case back and one for crown, nos, p&i.
035.383 $ 5.00Balance staff for Rolex 9 3/4 ligne model, 1 pc., Swiss, nos.
035.396 $ 4.00Case back Gaskets to fit Rolex #302-86, gents cases such as #18000, nos, 3 pc.
035.416 $ 3.00Case back Gaskets to fit Rolex #302-86, gents cases such as #18000, nos, 2 pc.
035.440 $ 3.00Rolex cal. 113 stem, pkg of 1, p&i, nos, genuine.
035.489 $ 4.00G-S Crystal #PA197-25 for Rolex 7937, model 102, 21.39mm, has raised date bubble, p&i, nos.
035.520 $ 6.00Rolex 282 mainspring, nos.
035.590 $ 10.00Rolex 113 balance staff, Bestfit #100/902, nos, p&i.
035.592 $ 21.00Three Balance staff for Rolex N-A 10 1/2 H model and Gruen 825, not genuine, nos. p&i, Swiss.
035.610 $ 6.00Rolex 200 stems, 2 pc., Genuine, nos with very light surface rust spots, p&i.
035.614 $ 7.00Tudor 1411 ahtomatic weight axle, nos, AS 1323.
035.623 $ 5.00Case back gaskets #29-292-76, 2 pc., nos, p&i, not sure if genuine.
035.628 $ 8.00Rolex 1210 stem, nos, genuine, p&i. (Quantity 2)
035.630 $ 9.00Rolex 400 stems, 2 pc.,Bestfit 200/1080, also for 420, nos, p&i.
035.631 $ 7.00Rolex 200, 21 and 250 stems, Bestfit 200/421, 2 pc., also for Gruen 833, 835 and 881, nos, p&i.
035.636 $ 20.00Bestfit balance staffs #100/654 for Rolex 700H, collet 0.40, 2 pc., nos, p&i. (Quantity 2)
035.637 $ 7.00Rolex Prima ratchet wheel, circa 1930s, new, old stock, signed, aspprox. 6.93mm outer diameter. The wheels look much better than the picture, good finish, no shadows. (Quantity 3)
035.642 $ 5.00G-S PA 463-6, 30.6mm, Cyclops with raised date magnifier, case ref. 6605, 6611, new.
035.643 $ 5.00G-S PA 462-18F, 30.6mm, Cyclop 116, raised date magnifier, new.
035.644 $ 5.00G-S PA 459-55A, 29.4mm, Cyclop 117, raised date magnifier, new.
035.645 $ 5.00G-S PA 317, 30.6mm with raised date magnifier, case ref. 6420 and 6424, Speed King, new.
035.646 $ 5.00G-S PA 459-37A, 29.29mm Tropic12, new.
035.648 $ 5.00G-S PA 462-21, 30.3mm Submariner, new.
035.660 $ 6.00Rolex 116 and 130 set lever screws, 2 pc., new, Bestfit 5443/691.
035.661 $ 3.00Rolex 113 generic Swiss stem, may be shorter than new.
035.664 $ 16.00Rolex 1210 stems #7549, 2 pieces in genuine package.
035.670 $ 8.00Rolex 1401 part #2984-1, KIF upper shock springs with mounting wires, 2 genuine package.
035.672 $ 12.00Rolex 100 set bridge, Bestfit 445/610, new from old stock, genuine.
035.676 $ 5.00Balance staff for Rolex NA model, Swiss, very slight rust on hub.
035.677 $ 20.00Rolex 170 balance staffs, 2 pieces, new condition. Will also sell bty each.
035.684 $ 20.003 stems for Rolex 620, Bestfit 200/824, like new in package.
035.692 $ 7.00G-S Crystal to fit Rolex Tropical 7909, 28.9mm round, new in G-S package.
035.693 $ 10.00QuickFit genuine Rolex 1030 (and or 1560) stems, 2 stems, new, Bestfit 200/1187.
035.694 $ 10.00Bestfit #407/718 genuine clutch wheel for Rolex 1100, new in package.
035.697 $ 18.00Rolex Oysterdate Precision gents dial, snap on type, raised gilt markers, 24.35mm o.d, sold as is, needs refinishing.
035.698 $ 7.00Rolex 1530 stem, one piece, new condition.
035.6699 $ 7.00Rolex 3035 stem, one piece, new condition.
ID/New/Pics PriceDescription

Category 249 - Other Swiss High Grade

249.6 $ 4.00Girard Perregaux 91 set bridge with screws, Genuine, nos, p&i.
249.7 $ 8.00Movado 55 stems, 3 pc pkg, Genuine Bestfit 401/457, nos, p&i.
249.12 $ 16.00Baume and Mercier 4226.018 parts, 2 gaskets and 4 screws, possibly for case, as shown in the picture.
249.13 $ 19.00Movado 59.0030.115 case parts, 2 each of yellow onyx crowns and 2 case back gaskets. Picture shows the parts for both lots. (Quantity 2)
249.14 $ 15.00Concord 53-808-5112 steel waterproof crowns, 2 pc., with logo, new, fits 1573145 and others, 3.2mm o.d.
249.16 $ 20.00Heuer 980.013N round mineral glass with gasket, glass is approx 27.52mm outer diameter and 2.58mm thick, new.
249.19 $ 5.00Girard Perregaux 700 winding stems, 2 pc., Bestfit 401/1079, nos, p&i.
249.22 $ 3.00Genuine TissotCal. 781 case clamp #PL.4697, nos, p&i.
249.23 $ 5.00Tudor cal. 2650 part #52, screws, 3 pc., with steped head, nos, genuine, p&i.
249.26 $ 4.00Movado 115 stems, 2 pc., Bestfit 200/1048, nos, p&i.
249.38 $ 4.00Movado 221A set lever, BF # 443/515, nos.
249.41 $ 12.00Movado 470 balance staffs, 2 pieces, new condition.
249.47 $ 6.00Movado 470 stems, Bestfit #200/623, 2 pc, new in package.
249.49 $ 6.00Zodiac 75 set bridge, new in genuine Bestfit package. (Quantity 2)
249.51 $ 14.00Three Stems for Zodiac 70, Ronda Swiss package, new.
249.52 $ 10.00Five Stems for Zodiac 70, new with slight rust, not in package.
249.56 $ 12.00Zodiac 72B stems, pkg of 3 pc, Bestfit 200/1681, genuine.
249.57 $ 6.00Favre Leuba set bridge, Bestfit 445/214, new in Bestfit package.
249.64 $ 9.00Zenith cal. 1730/1740 stems, 2 pc. , genuine in package.
249.65 $ 5.00Movado 575 set lever screws, 3 pc. in sealed Genuine Bestfit package.
249.68 $ 5.00Zodiac 70 stem, pkg of 1 pc, Bestfit 200/1415, genuine.
249.70 $ 7.00Zodiac SST Astrographic minute disc, used condition witha splotch.
249.71 $ 6.00Movado 395 male stem for movement and female post for your crown, new in Bestfit package. (Quantity 2)
249.72 $ 10.00Genuine Tissot Cal. 783 (also 796) genuine automatic weight axle with screws, new in sealed package.
249.82 $ 7.00Movado 220 #275 Sweep seconds Pinion, new in Bestfit packge.
249.84 $ 8.00Breitling 17 winding stems, 3 pieces, new in Swiss package.
249.85 $ 8.00Venus 16 ligne winding stems, 3 pieces, new in Swiss package.
249.86 $ 8.00Angelus cal. 210, 14 ligne winding stems, 3 pieces, new in Swiss package.
249.87 $ 8.00Unitas 13 ligne winding stems, 3 pieces, new in Swiss package.
249.102 $ 6.00Valjoux 23 #445 set bridge (yoke), new in Swiss package.
249.119 $ 6.00Two Tissot 2400 stems, Genuine in factory package.
249.120 $ 8.00Tissot 2400 Balance Staff, Genuine in factory package.
249.130 $ 6.00Favre Leuba 101 set bridge, Genuine Bestfit # 445/214, new in package.
249.132 $ 7.00Tissot 2451 (and others) #401/1, 3 stems in original sealed factory package.
249.133 $ 3.00Unitas 6325 winding stem, Bestfit 401/799, new in package. (Quantity 2)
249.134 $ 4.00Tissot 709/1/2 stem #401/1, new in geniune package.
249.138 $ 5.00Tissot genuine cal. 2400 winding pinion #410, also works with Hamilton 769, new in sealed factory package.
249.142 $ 12.00Buren 690 balance staffs, Bestfit 100/200C, 2 satffs, new in package.
249.143 $ 19.00Zodiac parts, 5 different packages with contents, one to 3 parts per bag, models 34, 17 and 76, sold as one lot.
249.144 $ 7.00Unitas 431stems, 2 stems, new in Bestfit package.
249.146 $ 11.00Two Movado 15, 50 balance staffs #572B, Bestfit 100/572B, new in package.
249.147 $ 10.00Two Rayville 49 balance staffs, Bestfit 100/898, Swiss.
249.148 $ 5.00Tissot 782 winding stem, 1 stem in Bestfit package #401/534.
249.149 $ 7.00Tissot 709 stems, genuine, 2 pc., new in factory package.
249.150 $ 8.00Tissot 709 balance staff, genuine, 1 pc., new in factory package.
249.151 $ 8.00Tissot 2400 balance staff, genuine, 1 pc., new in factory package.
249.153 $ 12.00Girard Perregaux Genuine balance staffs for Cal. 52, 2 staffs in factory package.
249.154 $ 8.00Girard Perregaux Genuine balance staff for Cal. 59, 1 staff in factory package.
249.155 $ 8.00Girard Perregaux balance staff for model #47, Incabloc, one piece.
249.156 $ 8.00Girard Perregaux balance staff for model #47, Incabloc, one piece.
249.157 $ 12.00Girard-Perregaux model 833 barrel complete, genuine.
249.158 $ 18.00Genuine Waltham assortment of 10 different packages with parts shown in all new parts in packages. $10.00 per package, Have 1 package..