Mystery Tools and Other Stuff
Part #
wt11103 Set of Eclipse brand balance wheel clamps. For all size watches. $75.00
wt10927 Kampe clamps for holding the pallet fork when assembling a full plate movement. (2 available) $20.00

Small glass pocket watch crystal cabinet. No crystals, just the cabinet.

Additional shipping charge applies.


Demagnetizer, possibly home-made or a kit. This one works by putting the magnetized object on or near the top, turning it on, and then slowly moving the object away from the demagnetizer. Works well. Very heavy.

Additional shipping charge applies.

wt10810 Balance scaffold? $50.00

Airbrush kit.

Additional shipping charge applies.

wt10660 Nice lot of dental tools. $25.00
wt10535 Brass and steel caliper. $10.00
wt10479 Alcohol lamp. $15.00
wt10458 Mystery tool. $10.00
wt10281 Holder of some sort. Probably home-made but nicely done. $20.00
wt10306 I think this is a pendant set-up tool. $20.00
wt10444 Watch depthing tool runner. $15.00
wt10437 Scribe $5.00
wt10438 Scribe $5.00
wt11131 Compass $5.00
wt9673 Compass $5.00
wt10397 Clamping tool. $5.00
wt10399 Round bubble level. (2 available) $3.00
wt10404 Round bubble level. $3.00
wt9633 Mystery tool $25.00
wt9629 Mystery tool $30.00
wt9623 Set of carving tools. Probably for clay or wax. $5.00

Fountain pen holder for the Regal Franklin Signet Embosser.

Additional shipping charge applies.

wt9021 Tool with small spoon on one end and pick at the other. $10.00
wt9050 European to American plug converter. New. (3 available) $5.00
wt8197 Diamond tipped tool. $20.00
wt8528 Diamond tipped scribe. $20.00
wt10547 Scribe. $10.00
wt9341 Scribe. $8.00
wt9342 Scribe. $8.00
wt8202 Glass cutting tool. $5.00
wt8151 Black & Decker polishing accessory set. $15.00
wt7801 Mystery tools. $20.00
wt7656 Powa-Kraft punch set $5.00


Cast iron clamp-on bench plate.

Additional shipping charge applies.

wt6713 Mystery tool. $25.00
wt5953 Mystery tool. Opens like a movement holder. $40.00
wt8534 Wire bending tool. $5.00
wt8531 Clamp $5.00
wt8015 Set of 3 plug adapters. $10.00
wt7982 Stanley line level. $5.00
wt8038 Line level. $5.00
wt6234 Plastic level. $5.00
wt6732 Fitrite tool. (3 available) $5.00
wt6511 Antique mystery tool. $10.00
wt6906 Vigor carbide scribe replacement tip. (2 available) $8.00
wt5152 L 970 499.9 tool. $15.00
wt5151 EBA 200.9 tool $15.00
wt5364 Balance tack. $10.00
wt9598 Balance tack for wrist watches. $10.00
wt6982 Balance tack. $8.00
wt8413 Tongs. Brass with steel tips. $15.00
wt4655 Mystery tool. $25.00
wt4651 Ticket punch. $15.00
wt7449 Plumb bob. $10.00
wt4654 Mystery tool. $10.00
wt5538 Small clamp $10.00
wt10148 Martin #30B screw plate. $15.00
wt9844 Martin #30B screw plate. $15.00
wt9845 Screw plate. $15.00
wt4515 Screw plate. $15.00
wt4048 Screw plate. $10.00
wt9942 Screw plate. $15.00
wt3751 Mystery tool. $5.00
wt3480 Mystery tool. $8.00
wt3297 Mystery tool. $5.00
wt1682 Linotype machine justifying spacer. Patent #1635960 $10.00
wt1658 Mystery tool $5.00